monday morning coming down
The work week is here. I’m up at the crack of dawn. Furnace was blasting, which never feels exactly right. Turned it off and meandered over to my work desk. Cat looked at me suspiciously. I remembered that I’d lost access to my YouTube account. I remembered that there were some crusty old videos there that I might want to salvage—or destroy. I hacked my way back into the account, and I was right. There are videos of me performing live on access TV in San Francisco 20 years ago, and videos shot from shows at Aqus Cafe in Petaluma (back before COVID shuttered that music scene). I particularly love the video of Dave Sampson, Steve Della Maggiora and I banging out my song “Gopher King.” Good energy and a precursor to the political chaos that has sucked us all in recently. I added the video to my videos page on this website. Check it out if you get a chance!